# Installation

# npm/yarn

Begin by installing as a dev-dependency:

# using npm
npm install --save-dev vue-autowire
# using yarn
yarn add --dev vue-autowire

Vue-Autowire is then provided as a Vue plugin that you must explicitly install with Vue.use().

Within this call, you must provide the convention object that defines:

  • which types of assets should be auto-wired (ie, components, views, directives, etc)
  • what file/folder name convention should be used to find them

The easiest is to use the default convention.

After the plugin is installed, you can register additional locations.

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import VueAutowire from 'vue-autowire'
import defaultConventions from 'vue-autowire/src/conventions';

Vue.use(VueAutowire, defaultConventions)

Vue.autowire.registerComponents(require.context('@/newFolder/', true, /\/(?:[^.]+|(?!\.local\.vue$)|(?!\.async\.vue$))\.vue$/));

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),

# Latest dev build

You will have to clone directly from GitHub and build vue-autowire yourself if you want to use the latest dev build.

git clone https://github.com/kaizendorks/vue-autowire.git
cd vue-autowire
npm install
npm run build

Once cloned and built, install it in your project as a file:// dev-dependency:

# Using npm
npm install --save-dev /Users/garciad/git/kaizendorks/vue-autowire
# Using yarn
yarn add --dev /Users/garciad/git/kaizendorks/vue-autowire