# sinon-mongo

A Node library that simplifies writing unit tests using sinon for mocking code using the MongoDB client.

You can install it from npm

npm install sinon-mongo

Let's see the most basic example. Imagine you have a function that depends on db, an instance of the MongoDB client:

  return db
    .find({ orgName })

You can create a sinon stub for the db object as in:

mockCustomerCollection = sinon.mongo.collection();
mockDb = sinon.mongo.db({
  customers: mockCustomerCollection

And test the method as in:

it('returns all the customers for the given org name', () => {
  const mockCustomers = [{a: 'mock customer'}, {another: 'mock customer'}];
    .withArgs({ orgName: 'mockOrgName' })

  return repository.findCustomersInOrganization('mockOrgName').then(customers => {

See the documentation for the full API and additional examples.

Check it on GitHub:

DaniJG/sinon-mongo - GitHub